2023 Meeting Presentations
Session II: SEAUPG REGIONAL UPDATES Moderator: Chance Armstead, P.E., SEAUPG Vice Chairman |
REGION UPDATE (AL, FL, GA, KY & TN) - Derek Gaw, P.E., Tennessee DOT |
REGION UPDATE (NC, SC, VA, WV) -Shawn D. Jack, P.E., West Virginia Deparment of Highways |
REGION UPDATE (AR, LA, MS, OK & TX) -Melissa Benavides, P.E., Texas DOT |
Session III: Interesting Projects |
Pavement By Conversion: Oklahoma I-40
Study: Contractor & DOT Perspective -Jay Lemon, Haskell Lemon Group -David Vivanco, P.E., Oklahoma DOT |
- Construction Projects in Texas -Robert Lee, P.E., Regional QC Director - CRH Americas |
Session IV: Sustainability |
Asphalt Mixtures: Engineering Performance with Environmental Impacts -Dr. Louay Mohammad, LSU / LTRC |
DOT Update Across
the Southeast with EPD Implemantation -Heather Dylla, Ph.D., VP Sustainability - Construction Partners |
Optimization for Performance, Economics and Sustainability -Shane Buchanan, Ph.D., Asphalt Performance Manger -CRH Americas |
Session V: Reclaimed Asphalt Binder
(RAP) Availability - Part I Moderator: Robert Lee, CRH Americas |
of High RAP Mixes with Recycling Agents in Virginia -Jhony Habbouche, P.E.-Virginia DOT / VTRC |
Binder Availability: Impact on Asphalt Mixture Performance -Fan Yin, Ph.D., Assistant Dirctor, NCAT |
Session VI: Reclaimed Asphalt Binder
(RAP) Availability - Part II -Moderator: Cliff Selkinghaus, Technical Director - SCAPA |
of RAP Containing Ground Tire Rubber (GTR)
-Sergi Amirkhanian, Ph.D. - University of Alabama |
RAP Availability:
Georgia & South
Carolina -Tony Felix, Reeves Construction (South Carolina) / Kimberly Lyons, Ph.D. - SC DOT -Andrew Brook, C.W. Matthews Contracting (Georgia) / James Brandon, P.E. - GA DOT |
Session VII: Balanced
Mix Design (BMD) -Moderator: Grover Allen, Ph.D., P.E, - Asphalt Institute |
Mix Design Implementation in the Texas Department of Transportaion -Dr. Amy Epps Martin, Sr. Engineer - Texas A&M University |
Mix Design Peer Exchanges: Summary of Findings |
Mix Design in Virginia: From Develpment to Implementation -Angela Beyke, P.E., Assistant State Materials Engineer - Virginia DOT |
Session VIII: Innovative Delivery Moderator: Derek Gaw, P.E., Tennessee DOT |
of Nondestructive Pavement Testing Devices in a QA Program -Tim Aschenbrener, Ph.D., FHWA |
Advanced Surveying
Technologies (presentation not available) -David Hedrick, Project Manager - KCI Technologies |