SEAUPG's Mission & History
Our MissionThe mission of the Southeastern Asphalt User / Producer Group (SEAUPG) is to improve the quality and performance of asphalt pavement applications by encouraging the adoption of best practices in all aspects of asphalt technology including materials selection and testing, construction and maintenance procedures, and environmental protection. This mission is accomplished by transferring knowledge and technology gained through research, education, and cooperative partnership with federal, state, and local agencies, material suppliers and contractors. Our HistoryPrompted by the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP), The Southeastern Asphalt User Producer Group (SEAUPG) was organized in 1993 to meet the need for an on-going southeastern regional forum for discussion and exchange of asphalt pavement technology. The initial focus was implementation of SHRP products, in particular the asphalt binder and mix design test methods and specifications. SEAUPG has grown into a regional technical cooperative of transportation agencies, asphalt paving contractors, materials/equipment suppliers, consultants and research organizations.
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